Friday, January 11, 2013

Resisting Temptations

I was pondering a few days ago as to why I'm not being successful with what I want to do and the obvious reason is that I'm trying to do things on my own.  On the one hand, not going to the gym often and not taking pictures daily, on the other hand still making notes of good things that happen to me every day.  However as time goes by and either not much happens or I'm not having a good day, it gets harder to think back to what was a positive in my day.

Now that's not to say I'm completely unsuccessful.  Our vegan project this month has been going very well, except for a few things which we later found out were not vegan, as per Frances's Blog, the marinara we've had as well as sugar are not vegan.  One bit of good news however we've switched sugar for raw agave.

It was a bit hard at first.  A day after my previous post I came into work and one of my coworkers offered me pizza.  I made an excuse that I had just eaten and plus my stomach wasn't agreeing with me, "maybe later" I told her.  Later that day, one of coworkers goes to the first floor to pick up fresh pizza that was brought to us on the evening shift.  He sets it down on his desk (which is right next to mine) and offers me the same.  Once again I had to object.

It's kind of hard to explain to people, I think, especially me being a guy.  People judge too much without realizing it.  I remembered a few months ago Frances and I decided to go meatless, so one of my coworkers offered me some fried chicken.  I thanked her and declined.  She insisted so I explained as to why I was refusing.  She gave me a weird look and began lecturing me about how we need meat and protein, etc.  I just nodded and said I wasn't going to break my promise, which I didn't.

One good thing I've noticed about myself, aside from feeling very good and going down to 208.8 lbs this morning, is that it's been easier for me to not spend money this month.  See, even though we've been eating very well for these past few months, I still have a sweeter tooth than Frances does, so anytime we would go grocery shopping we would get a candy bar, or when I was at my previous job I would go to Kroger and buy myself a pastry.  Now, thanks to our vegan project this month, I have to skip all this extra spending and avoid the vending machine at work that accepts credit cards, for fear of breaking my promise this month.

I'll leave you with this photo of a new soup I tried this week:

German Lentil Soup

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